An Addition to Rich's Account Migration Script

04 Jan 2017

As I continue to find ways to make moving our Macs off of AD as easily as possible, I found myself turning to Rich’s MigrateADMobileAccounttoLocalAccouint script to see if it would work in our environment. And it does, sweet! But part of what makes a move like this feasible for our organization is making sure something like NoMAD is in place for password sync and expiration feedback.

So I made a small update to Rich’s script, which once the Finished option is selected will 1) install NoMad via a JSS policy on a custom trigger, 2) run recon silently to update Smart Group membership, 3) sleep 20 to make sure the JSS sees the Smart Group change and apply a configuration profile for the app, and 4) open NoMAD.

My addition looks something like this:

# Installing newest version of NoMAD
echo "Installing NoMAD..."
jamf policy -trigger update_nomad >/dev/null # the >/dev/null supresses output of the policy, just to keep things tidy

# Run recon to detect NoMAD and apply configuration settings
echo "Running recon..."
jamf recon >/dev/null # the >/dev/null supresses output of the recon, just to keep things tidy

# Give the JSS a chance to apply the configuration settings
echo "Applying NoMAD settings..."
sleep 10

# Get current user and OS information.
CURRENT_USER=$(/usr/bin/stat -f%Su /dev/console)
OS_MAJOR=$(/usr/bin/sw_vers -productVersion | awk -F . '{print $1}')
OS_MINOR=$(/usr/bin/sw_vers -productVersion | awk -F . '{print $2}')

# Launch NoMAD using launchctl.
echo "Launching NoMAD..."
if [[ "$OS_MAJOR" -eq 10 && "$OS_MINOR" -le 9 ]]; then
	LOGINWINDOW_PID=$(pgrep -x -u "$USER_ID" loginwindow)
	launchctl bsexec "$LOGINWINDOW_PID" open "/Applications/"
elif [[ "$OS_MAJOR" -eq 10 && "$OS_MINOR" -gt 9 ]]; then
	launchctl asuser "$USER_ID" open "/Applications/"
	echo "[ERROR] macOS $OS_MAJOR.$OS_MINOR is not supported."
	exit 1004
exit 0

You’d want to change the custom trigger to install NoMAD to whatever you prefer.

Published on 04 Jan 2017 Find me on Twitter! Leave me a tip!